(English / German)
(English / German)
(English / German)

(English / German)
(English / German)
Beschütz mich weiter als du schreiben kannst (German)
Future Nostalgia (English / German)
Sohn* werden (English / German)
Stierhunger (English / German) Sex und Kartoffeln (English / German) Dippel. Diagnose CIN III (English / German)
Stierhunger Boy* (English / German)
Foodporn (English / German)
FALLEN (durchgestrichen) 
(English / German)

D.D. Rabbit
(English / German)
An Bas Jan Ader
(English / German) On Friendship (English / German)
(English / German) Schatten (Eurydike sagt) (English / German)
Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt
(English / German) Sterben Üben (English / German)
Von der Schlucht
(English / German)

Kollektiv Kunterbunt
(English / German)Schorf (English / German) uniform (English / German)
Am Abend ist Maidan ein lautes Wort
(English / German) out of season (English / German)
Portraits (English / German) Neighbourhood Game (English / German)
(English / German) Play, with Food (English / German) Escape Room (English / German) Intimite Talks (English / German) Dropbox (English / German)

Schatten (Eurydike sagt)

German for: Shadow (Eurydice Says)

Photo: Tillmann Engel

"I wanted the one thing. Someone would do it, everyone else would do it, but I believed it had to be you. I was lolling on the floor. I had small breasts that I showed to you, I showed it all. My breath rushed through my glottis as if all the spirits of the world were trapped in them and had to come out now. Once my body was unlocked, I was open, open even for the fear of death that I didn't even know yet, open always for everything. Now there are our bodies in the shadows. Your glances are disappearing more and more. And perhaps I will take a daisy and shoot you with it." Eurydice sets off like the woodcutter into the forest.

Schatten (Eurydike sagt):
with Christine Korfant about life and love in old age, without a romantic relationship, with pleasure and with the fact that the story that ageing is only possible in pairs is one story of many. A road movie on stage.

Schatten (Eurydike sagt):
is a play by Elfriede Jelinek. In it, Elfriede Jelinek rewrites the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice: What if Eurydice did not want to return to Orpheus from the underworld? What if the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is one of many cultural testimonies that are supposed to prove: Men sing, women follow them? Christine Korfant and I fused Elfriede Jelinek's play with our biographies and with Christine's secret love for Herbert Grönemeyer.


Digitally preserved:

Text: Elfriede Jelinek
With: Christine Korfant
Directing: Cy Linke
Costume: Donata Deck
Dramaturgy: Valentina Tepel
Friends who joined rehearsals: Lorenz Nolting, Lisa Pottstock
Thanks to: Marius Alsleben, Montserrat Borreda, Clara Brauer, Hannah del Mestre, Eliana Kirkcaldy, Hannah Lesser, Alia Luque, Isabel Osthues, Nina Peters, Dorothea Ratzel, Theresa Schlesinger, Eva-Maria Voigtländer, Petra Vormbrocke, Jonas Wolf and Basti

Project III of the programm Directing at the Hamburg Theatre Academy, University of Music and Theatre, in cooperation with the stage space class of the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg (HfBK), the departments of design/costume design of the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW) and Kampnagel

Schatten (Eurydike sagt)
Lichthof Theater

Schatten (Eurydike sagt)

Schatten (Eurydike sagt)

Schatten (Eurydike sagt)

Photos: Tillmann Engel

Cy Linke 2025
Author, Director, Performer, Bodyworker
Instagram: @cylinke
Contact: cylinke (at) posteo (dot) de
Looking forward to your mail.