(English / German)
(English / German)
(English / German)

(English / German)
(English / German)
Beschütz mich weiter als du schreiben kannst (German)
Future Nostalgia (English / German)
Sohn* werden (English / German)
Stierhunger (English / German) Sex und Kartoffeln (English / German) Dippel. Diagnose CIN III (English / German)
Stierhunger Boy* (English / German)
Foodporn (English / German)
FALLEN (durchgestrichen) 
(English / German)

D.D. Rabbit
(English / German)
An Bas Jan Ader
(English / German) On Friendship (English / German)
(English / German) Schatten (Eurydike sagt) (English / German)
Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt
(English / German) Sterben Üben (English / German)
Von der Schlucht
(English / German)

Kollektiv Kunterbunt
(English / German)Schorf (English / German) uniform (English / German)
Am Abend ist Maidan ein lautes Wort
(English / German) out of season (English / German)
Portraits (English / German) Neighbourhood Game (English / German)
(English / German) Play, with Food (English / German) Escape Room (English / German) Intimite Talks (English / German) Dropbox (English / German)


I am a trained bodyworker in the Pantarei Approach and offer sessions in somatic bodywork. In the sessions I combine verbal communication with physical exercises and possible hands-on parts. My work is based on the assumption that you are an expert of your own life and that your body’s knowledge complements and expands what can be communicated through words.

As a non-binary person, I bring biographical knowledge to the table about:
- queer living- and relationship environments
- the influence of hetero- and cis-normativities on one's life
- resources and queer superpowers.

As a person who works as an artist, I bring experiences to the table with:
- playful forms of communication
- questions about one's own positioning and possibilities for action
- group dynamics, questions of power and power structures
- exhaustion in artistic processes and methods of salutogenic work
- touch points of somatic bodywork and artistic work.

Reasons to try out bodywork:

- changes in your professional and/or interpersonal environment
- decisions and the desire to be accompanied in them
- conflicts in groups
- a desire to feel more connected to your body
- pain
- fear
- feelings of loneliness
- addictions
- sadness
- the feeling of stagnation
- relationship issues
- family issues with your family of origin and/or chosen family
- problems with setting boundaries
- gender related topics
- sexuality related topics
- and many more.

Contact me:

via e-mail: cylinke (at) posteo (dot) de.
We look together for an appointment.
& I look forward to seeing you.

Training and further education in somatic work:

since 2023
Certified bodyworker in the Pantarei Approach, Berlin
Training in Shiatsu basics at the Shiatsu Center Berlin
since 2018
since 2018 research with psychologist Hannah Lesser on power, group dynamics and salutogenic work, we developed the webinar: “Mental health in cultural work” and the workshop “Art and conflict”
2018 - 2020
Eyperiences with RT und Co-Counselling Berlin
2018, 2021, 2024
Gestalt therapeutic self-experiences such as the Held:innenreise by Paul Rebillot, Shadow Work according to C. G. Jung and the Lover's Journey
Qi Gong-Training at Shaolin Arts Bern
Massage Basics at InTouch Hamburg
since 2015
Dance and somatic courses at Tanzfabrik Berlin, motion*s Berlin, K3 Hamburg and during my directing studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg and at the Zurich University of the Arts
Cy Linke 2025
Author, Director, Performer, Bodyworker
Instagram: @cylinke
Contact: cylinke (at) posteo (dot) de
Looking forward to your mail.